
N: Número: 2 Data: April 7, 2020 Llengua: English
2. Playing the Nintendo Switch
Difficulty: 9-11 years


Since Laura is getting bored by the lockdown, she plays with the Nintendo Switch every day for a while.
She has been strolling by different rooms of the house. In each place she has played a different game at a different time of day.
Could you guess where she was at night?


  • Places: Living room, Bedroom, Kitchen and Bathroom.
  • Video games: Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Mario Odyssey and Let’s Sing.
  • Times of day: Morning, Noon, Afternoon and Night.


  1. Laura played in front of the bathroom mirror while combing her hair at noon.
  2. In the morning, Laura played Stardew Valley lying on the bed in her bedroom.
  3. Mario Odyssey was neither played in the living room nor in the afternoon.
  4. No one played in the afternoon in the bedroom
  5. Animal Crossing was played neither in the afternoon nor at night.
Utilitza aquesta taula per ajudar-te a resoldre el puzzle:
Places Video games Times of day
Living room